Work with Kacy virtually.



Together, let's organize your home, office, Evernote, digital world, and more.

Infuse your project with fresh ideas and simplify your next steps.

Kacy can spot your specific problems (especially the ones you can't see), and hold your hand through executing your plan.

No more spinning your wheels, throwing in the towel, and second-guessing yourself! Sign up for a virtual session today.


Virtual rates

$175 - Single one-hour session
$480 - Three one-hour sessions


Working with you virtually changed my life. I have been trying for years to get it this way. The organization has “accidentally” slipped into all areas of my life. It’s the best thing I’ve ever done for myself personally or professionally."


Get started in just 2 steps 

Schedule & Pay

Pay at the time you schedule your single Zoom session or package of three.

Get organized
with a virtual session together

You'll be able to lay it all on Kacy. You'll have her full attention one hour at a time. Watch the solutions flow!


Virtual Organizing FAQs 


What if I don’t know if I want a single session or a package?

I understand if you want to wait to decide until after our first session. Upon scheduling, you will pay for and book a single session. If after our first session you'd like to choose the 3-session package, the session will be considered 1 of 3. At the end of the session, I will collect the remaining $305 to complete the $480 cost of a 3-session package.

Can we do a session that is longer than an hour?

Yes. We can have sessions that are 2 hours long.

Who sees the best results with virtual organizing?

Since I can’t reach through the screen and physically help you, virtual is best for people who are highly motivated to “do the work” if they are 100% confident they are doing the right work. Though sometimes I talk you through one item of paper at a time, usually, a lot of the physical work will be done between sessions. My goal is for you to leave each session with clarity about how best to spend your organizing time.

How far do you book out?

My schedule fills anywhere from 1-4 weeks out, so book today!

 Working with Kacy long-distance was awesome. Committing to working with a pro really helped me to just get it done and stop procrastinating. Now I feel so much better in my space and can access everything that I need when I need it. Most importantly, I have systems in place to maintain the order I have created.